Monday, September 17, 2012

Soundscape: Monday 9/17/12

About 8:00 am: someone's radio alarm is going off on the floor above me and it wakes me up. I'm too sleepy to even try to make a guess of the song. All I know is it's loud.

9:00 am: my alarm goes off. "Middle Distance Runner" by Sea Wolf, a band I heard live in San Francisco about 3 years ago. Source is my iPhone on the bedside table next to me.

9:08 am: I'm in the shower, and someone else in the bathroom is whistling tunelessly.

9:42 am: Lefty (a worker in the Blue Room) is playing some kind of reggae off his iPod with a small set of speakers as I get my morning tea.

10:23 am, in class: someone's "marimba" iPhone ringtone goes off.

11:57 am, Wriston Quad: someone in Phi Psi is playing "Soul Sister" by Train out of their window.

12:03 pm, the Ratty: I'm swiping into work, which requires walking through the Ratty kitchen. The workers have a radio going - I don't recognize the song, but it sounds Top 40.

3:31 pm, the Ratty: as I swipe out, the radio is playing "Call Me Maybe" by Carly Rae Jepsen.  It's stuck in my head for the next hour.

4:23 pm: I'm watching an episode of "How I Met Your Mother." No background music to the episodes, but according to Wikipedia the theme song is part of "Hey Beautiful" by The Solids, a band that two of the show creators/writers are a part of. Hey, learn something new every day.

5:10 pm, my room: while doing some reading, I listen to Holst's "The Planets" in preparation for playing it in orchestra this semester. Method: Spotify on my iPhone connected to a pretty good set of speakers.

8:34 pm: I'm finally watching "The Hunger Games," which has a pretty good soundtrack, in my opinion. I love the contributions that Arcade Fire made to the film,  including writing the Panem national anthem.

1 comment:

  1. Particularly after the last post I read (Maddy's), I am struck by the fact that there is no headphone listening here, and very little music that you selected yourself. By going through your day without earbuds, you encountered a variety of other people's musical choices (including choices made by TV/movie production teams).
